Helping people live longer and healthier is our passion.


77 York Street Sydney 2000

Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm

Full Health Assessments in Sydneys CBD.

Welcome NOTE

Hello, I’m Dr. John Cummins, CEO and Medical Director of Executive Medicine. I’d like to welcome you to our website and hope you join us as a member of our practice ‘Executive Medicine’.

We are passionate about health and wellbeing – being at your best. We aim to reach that goal ourselves then coach, cajole and inspire our clients to be the best version of themselves they can be; physically as well as mentally and emotionally.

services we provide

The services below are all included as part of our full body health check up service

Cardiac Risk Assessment

Includes a resting ECG and exercise stress test to assess cardiorespiratory fitness and blood pressure response to exercise, to look for evidence of coronary artery disease and cardiac rhythm disturbances. We also analyse your height, weight, waist/hip ratio, body composition and fat measurement, blood pressure and resting heart rate. This is included as part of our heart health check up service.

Cancer Screening

Cancer screening addressing the ‘Big 6’, the most common cancer killers – lung, bowel, prostate, breast, lymphoma and melanoma, using evidence-based guidelines.

Includes blood testing, breast screening and HPV / PAP testing for women, skin dermatoscopy testing for melanoma and skin cancers, prostate check for males over 45, and bowel cancer screening as indicated. The Lumify ultrasound can also identify abnormalities with the internal organs.

Mental Wellbeing, Brain and Psychological Health

Includes mental health screening tools, neurocognition tools addressing memory, attention (executive function), language, verbal fluency and visuospatial function, as well as reaction time testing – a LED light-based test to assess brain sharpness via hand-eye coordination.

Lifestyle Assessment & Optimisation Coaching

Nutritional support, exercises and stress management using tools, coaching and external referrals to ‘the best’ as required.

Our Values & Policies

Patient Safety and Care

You, our patient are at the centre of our focus and we take all available  measures to ensure that your safety and care are paramount to us. We think carefully about how any suggestion we make to you (e.g. a test involving radiation) can cause you harm as well as risk and we would only intervene medically when we feel we have to.

We constantly ask what benefits you when referring you on for investigations, our software is constantly updated for potential medication interactions when we prescribe, we send you to only the best specialists (our Black Book) and we treat you therefore as we would treat our loved ones  – with care and utmost attention.

We Value Our Strong Long Term Relationship With You

We would rather see you at least annually and prioritise a long term relationship  over a ‘one off ‘ health check  interaction. This is in your interest as we build your unique health profile over time with each annual health check and thus we benchmark you against yourself, looking for early warning changes.

With trust, positive health behaviour change is more likely to occur. We value trust, respect and shared decision making which leads to positive outcomes for all. We look out for our people, those we work with; we respect and recognise them. We work hard to establish our long term relationships with our clients which translates to our incredibly strong stakeholder loyalty.

Constantly Improving

We value and demand of ourselves that we are the best at what we have been trained to do, whether it’s being a physician, an exercise physiologist or our administration staff. We enjoy our work and take pride in our achievements.


Executive Medicine recognises that protecting our environment is a critical issue and a key responsibility of our business.

We acknowledge that reducing unnecessary waste and minimising consumption of scarce resources is to the benefit of all humanity.

Privacy Policy

Your details are private. At no stage do we release any medical information to  external parties without your express written permission.

We do not reveal any details ever about our corporate clients to their employers. Our networks are constantly firewall updated with up to date data encrypted protection.

prioritise your health with us

When was the last time you made your health a priority?

Our model is different. We make your life simpler with a trusted, personal, highly networked physician a phone call away who is invested in making your life as long as possible, as healthy as possible and as stress-free as possible by responding to your health care needs.

When was the last time you made your health a priority? With busy lives and demanding work commitments, it’s all too easy to neglect your health and simply hope everything will be fine.

By working with you (as hard as you do on your own health), we bridge the gap between what you say you’re going to do, and what you actually do.

Contact Us

Contact our scheduling department today to make an appointment.