
Should I be worried about stress & premature ageing / Executive Medicine

Should I be worried about stress

Stressful day While stress is unavoidable (and in fact good for you in manageable doses), I don’t believe most people appreciate that chronic unremitting ‘stress’ does significant physical harm: What …

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Why is resting the mind important? / Executive Medicine

Why is resting the mind important?

I recently went to my annual week-long meditation retreat. There were a few key points made which I believe are hugely important. Top of the list is sensory overload. With …

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The Effect of Stress on Your Body

Let’s look at the effects of stress on the body Each of us have a different threshold for feeling “stressed” yet most would agree it is not a comfortable feeling. …

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Stress and the heart

Does stress affect your heart It is often assumed that stress affects the heart and other arteries. Recent studies add further credence to this. Fortunately there are things you can …

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